14 July 2022
Proposed Gravel Extraction at Ashley Manor Farm.
New Milton Sand and Ballast (NMSB) held a public consultation exercise to which residents and Town Council members were invited in May 2022.
The formal application has been submitted to Hampshire County Council; details can be seen using the following link
The Town Council are not part of any pre-application discussion between NMSB and the County Council. We are presented with the same information as the public but are known as a statutory consultee. Other statutory consultees include Hampshire Highways, Ecologist and Conservation teams as the Manor Farm building itself is Listed, as is a property to the south of the site. It is Hampshire County Council’s responsibility to identify consultees and inform residents/businesses of the application, in their role as Minerals and Waste Authority.
There will be an Extraordinary meeting of the Town Council Planning Committee in the
New Milton Memorial Centre, Whitefield Road on
FRIDAY 19 AUGUST 2022 – starting at 6pm sharp.
We would be grateful if you could register your attendance and advise if you wish to speak, by emailing theresa.elliott@newmiltontowncouncil.gov.uk or calling 01425 626213 by 17 August.
The meeting will be to hear views of residents, see a presentation of the information and for members to form a recommendation to Hampshire County Council.
Any public representation should go directly to Hampshire County Council. The Town Council members and staff will routinely check the webpage before the local meeting.
We are not decision makers for this application; it will be determined by Hampshire County Council. We can however influence the decision based on criteria such as local knowledge, policy and residents’ views.
Relevant policies that will be used in the determination are contained within the
National Planning Policy Framework
Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan 2013-2030