Planning Committee

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Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions


If you wish to attend please register a minimum of 24 hours before the meeting by emailing

Please contact if you require any historical meeting papers


 1 August 2024 Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions
 18 July 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 2 July 2024


Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
20 June 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 6 June 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 23 May 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
14 May 2024 Agenda This meeting is purely for election of Chair and Vice Chair of committee, and follows the Annual meeting of the Town Council. Minutes
 7 May 2024


Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 25 April 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 11 April 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 28 March 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 12 March 2024


Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 29 February 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – HCC Minerals and Waste REG 19 summary report

Appendix 3 – HCC Minerals and Waste Reg 19 response form DRAFT

 15 February 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
1 February 2024 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 16 January 2024


Agenda Appendix 1 – applications & decisions Minutes
 4 January 2024 – CANCELLED Applications delegated to officer –


Comments will be posted on the District Council website ahead of their expiry dates, and added to the minutes for our 16 January meeting.

 21 December 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 5 December 2023  (TUES) Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 23 November 2023 Agenda REVISED Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – NP notes 31 Oct 23

Appendix 3 – NPA Article 4 Directive (Campsites)

 9 November 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 26 October 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – LBWP notes 03Oct2023

 12 October 2023 Agenda REVISED Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 28 September 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 14 September 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 31 August 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 17 August 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – FCERM Info document

Appendix 3 – FCERM Draft responses

 3 August 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – Notes of Listed Build WP 26 June 2023

 20 July 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 4 July 2023 (TUES) Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – Planning for Climate Change SPD

Appendix 3 – DRAFT response to consultation document

 22 June 2023 Agenda REVISED Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 8 June 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 25 May 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 11 May 2023 – CANCELLED Applications delegated to officer – see link

List of delegated applications (May 2023)

 Outcomes will be reported within minutes for 25 May meeting
15 May 2023 View PDF


This meeting is purely for election of Chair and Vice Chair of committee, and follows the Annual meeting of the Town Council. Minutes (annual)
 27 April 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 13 April 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 30 March 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 16 March 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 REVISED List of applications & decisions Minutes
 2 March 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 16 February 2023 Agenda REVISED Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 Reorganised date


Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 19 January 2023 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – HCC Minerals Consult PUBLIC MEETING notes

Appendix 3 – Minerals and Waste DRAFT plan summary

5 January 2023 – CANCELLED There are 2 applications being dealt with through delegated means.

22/11422 – 34 Hengistbury Road &  22/11423 – 22 Beach Avenue

Comments will be added to NFDC website before their 13th January deadline, and will be added onto the minutes of the meeting dated 19 January.

 22 December 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – List of applications & decisions (2)

Appendix 3 – FCERM Phase 4 draft response

 08 December 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 24 November 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 10  November 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 27 October 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – REVISED List of applications & decisions Minutes
 13 October 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 29 September 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

(17 to 24 August)

Appendix 2 – List of applications & decisions

(31 Aug to 14 Sep)

 15 September 2022 n/a  Meeting cancelled. All applications that were due for discussion on 15 Sept have been moved to next scheduled meeting date.   n/a
 1 September 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 19 August 2022

EXTRAORDINARY MEETING – see venue and start time on agenda

Agenda This meeting is specifically for the Ashley Manor Farm gravel extraction application. All detail will be taken from the public pages of HCC website (app 2022/0338)

All other applications will be dealt with on 18 August, see link in box below.

 18 August 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – HCC 20mph survey DRAFT response



Appendix to minutes (Hants County survey response)

 4 August 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 21 July 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 7 July 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – Hants County Council Flood & Water Catchment Management Plans Consult

 23 June 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – Coastal Strategy Phase 2 Information Boards

Appendix 3 – Coastal Strategy Phase 2 – Questionnaire draft responses

 9 June 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions Minutes
 27 May 2022


Agenda This meeting is specifically for the Gore road housing application, 22/10418. All others will be dealt with on 26 May, see link in box below. Minutes
 26 May 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 12 May 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 (REVISED) – List of applications & decisions Minutes
  9 May 2022 Agenda  None. Annual meet minutes
 3 May 2022


Agenda This meeting is specifically for amendments to the Brockhills application, 21/11179. All others will be dealt with on 12 May, see link in box above. Minutes
28 April 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
14 April 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 31 March 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 17 March 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – Air Quality SPD

Appendix 3 – Listed Buildings Working Party update

 3 March 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 17 February 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 3 February 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 20 January 2022 Agenda Appendix 1 – List of applications & decisions Minutes
 6 January 2022 Agenda (revised) Appendix 1 List of applications & decisions

Appendix 2 – NFDC Car Parking SPD


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